Storming the Stairs | Traps, Loopholes, Barricades | Step-by-Step Assault Instructions

Key Points with Instructions

Suppressing the Enemy
Instruction: Utilize overwhelming firepower and grenades to suppress enemy forces.

  • Coordinate with your team to lay down a barrage of suppressive fire on enemy positions.
  • Use automatic weapons and grenades to keep the enemy pinned down.
  • Ensure continuous fire, rotating shooters to maintain pressure without interruption.

  • Tip: Focus on concentrated fire and cover all potential enemy positions to keep them pinned down.

  • Identify and mark enemy positions.
  • Assign sectors of fire to each team member to cover all possible hiding spots.
  • Use suppressive fire to prevent enemy movement and counter-attacks.

  • Basements and Ground Floor
    Instruction: Carefully clear basements and ground floors, checking every corner for hidden

  • Move slowly and methodically through the area, maintaining a low profile.
  • Check all corners, closets, and under furniture for hidden enemies.
  • Use lights and mirror devices to inspect dark areas and around corners.

  • Tip: Use flashbangs and mirror devices to inspect around corners and under doors.

  • Throw flashbangs into rooms before entering to disorient potential threats.
  • Use a tactical mirror to see around corners without exposing yourself.
  • Move in pairs, with one person covering while the other inspects.

  • Directions of Action
    Instruction: Determine clear directions of action and assign specific roles to each team member.

  • Conduct a quick briefing to outline the plan and assign roles.
  • Establish primary and secondary routes for entry and exit.
  • Assign specific areas of responsibility to each team member.

  • Tip: Establish primary and secondary routes for movement and retreat.

  • Map out all potential routes in advance.
  • Clearly mark primary routes and designate secondary routes for fallback.
  • Ensure all team members are familiar with these routes.

  • Legs Visible!
    Instruction: Identify and target enemies by their visible body parts, especially legs.

  • Look for movement and shadows under doors and around obstacles.
  • If legs are visible, aim low and fire to neutralize the threat.
  • Use suppressive fire to target visible body parts, forcing the enemy to retreat or expose themselves.

  • Tip: Aim low if you can see legs under obstacles or through gaps to neutralize hidden enemies.

  • Use low-angled fire to target legs.
  • Ensure cover fire is directed at potential escape routes.
  • Use grenades to flush out enemies hiding behind cover.

  • Moving Up the Stairs
    Instruction: Follow protocols for safe stairway movement, maintaining cover and communication.

  • Move in pairs, with one person advancing while the other covers.
  • Check each step for traps and obstacles.
  • Communicate each movement and ensure team members are aware of your position.

  • Tip: Move in pairs, with one covering while the other advances, checking each step for traps.

  • Assign a lead and support role within each pair.
  • Lead person moves while the support person covers and checks for traps.
  • Switch roles periodically to maintain vigilance.

  • Grenades
    Instruction: Deploy grenades effectively to clear staircases and rooms before entry.

  • Assess the area and select the appropriate type of grenade.
  • Announce the grenade throw to your team.
  • Throw the grenade and wait for the explosion before entering.

  • Tip: Use fragmentation grenades for open spaces and flashbangs for enclosed areas.

  • Use fragmentation grenades to clear large areas with multiple enemies.
  • Use flashbangs in rooms to disorient enemies and reduce their ability to fight back.
  • Always have a backup plan in case the grenade fails to clear the area.

  • Pair Actions
    Instruction: Coordinate actions in pairs, with defined roles such as point man and cover.

  • Assign clear roles: point man (leads and checks for threats) and cover (provides backup and fire support).
  • Maintain constant communication to coordinate movements and actions.
  • Train regularly with your partner to develop seamless cooperation.

  • Tip: Train regularly with your partner to develop seamless cooperation and communication.

  • Conduct regular joint training exercises focusing on teamwork and communication.
  • Develop hand signals and code words for silent communication.
  • Practice different scenarios to be prepared for various situations.

  • Dangerous Enemy Positions
    Instruction: Identify and neutralize dangerous enemy positions, prioritizing high-threat targets.

  • Use reconnaissance tools like drones or scopes to locate enemy positions.
  • Prioritize high-threat targets, such as those with heavy weapons or advantageous positions.
  • Coordinate a concentrated attack to neutralize these threats quickly.

  • Tip: Use reconnaissance tools like drones or scopes to locate enemy positions before engaging.

  • Deploy drones or use binoculars to scout ahead.
  • Mark and communicate the location of identified enemy positions.
  • Plan your attack based on the gathered intelligence.

  • Vertical Advantage in Combat
    Instruction: Use the vertical axis to your advantage, taking higher positions whenever possible.

  • Identify and secure high ground positions.
  • Use ladders, stairs, or other means to gain elevation.
  • Use height to observe and engage enemies from a superior position.

  • Tip: Higher ground provides better visibility and control over the battlefield.

  • Always look for opportunities to take higher ground.
  • Use the elevated position to spot enemy movements and direct fire.
  • Reinforce high ground positions to maintain control.

  • Rotation of Fighters
    Instruction: Implement a system for rotating fighters to keep everyone fresh and alert.

  • Establish a rotation schedule.
  • Ensure each fighter knows their role and position in the rotation.
  • Rotate fighters at regular intervals to prevent fatigue.

  • Tip: Rotate at regular intervals and ensure each fighter is familiar with all positions and roles.

  • Conduct briefings and training to familiarize all team members with different roles.
  • Use a timer or signal to indicate rotation times.
  • Monitor fighters for signs of fatigue and adjust rotations as needed.

  • Floors and Doors
    Instruction: Tactically clear each floor and room, breaching doors with caution.

  • Use breaching tools and tactics, such as door rams and explosive charges.
  • Announce the breach to the team and prepare to enter immediately after.
  • Clear rooms methodically, checking each corner and potential hiding spot.

  • Tip: Use breaching tools and tactics, such as door rams and explosive charges, to safely enter rooms.

  • Equip the team with appropriate breaching tools.
  • Train regularly on breaching techniques.
  • Ensure all team members are familiar with the breaching plan and their roles.

  • Equipment, Gear, Weapon Tuning
    Instruction: Equip yourself with appropriate gear and tune your weapons for optimal performance.

  • Choose gear that suits the mission requirements and environment.
  • Regularly check and maintain all equipment.
  • Tune weapons for accuracy and reliability.

  • Tip: Regularly inspect and maintain your equipment to ensure reliability during operations.

  • Conduct pre-mission equipment checks.
  • Schedule regular maintenance sessions.
  • Replace or repair any faulty equipment immediately.

  • Barricades and Sapper Hook
    Instruction: Overcome barricades using sapping tools like the sapper hook.

  • Identify the type of barricade and choose the appropriate tool.
  • Use the sapper hook or other tools to dismantle or bypass the barricade.
  • Ensure the area is secure before proceeding.

  • Tip: Train in using specialized equipment for different types of barricades.

  • Conduct regular training sessions on barricade breaching.
  • Familiarize the team with different tools and techniques.
  • Simulate various barricade scenarios to improve skills.

  • Apartments on the Floor
    Instruction: Methodically clear apartments on each floor, ensuring no threats remain.

  • Use a room-by-room clearing strategy.
  • Maintain communication with your team throughout the operation.
  • Ensure each room is thoroughly searched before moving on.

  • Tip: Use a room-by-room clearing strategy, maintaining communication with your team.

  • Assign specific rooms to each team member or pair.
  • Use hand signals and radios for silent communication.
  • Conduct after-action reviews to identify areas for improvement.

  • Loopholes
    Instruction: Utilize loopholes (small firing ports) for defensive and offensive operations.

  • Position yourself to maximize the cover provided by loopholes.
  • Use loopholes to observe and engage enemies while minimizing your exposure.
  • Reinforce loopholes to provide additional protection.

  • Tip: Position yourself to maximize the cover provided by loopholes while maintaining a clear line of sight.

  • Identify optimal firing positions within loopholes.
  • Use scopes or optics to enhance your view.
  • Rotate positions to avoid being targeted.

  • Fortified, Impassable Staircase
    Instruction: Tackle fortified staircases with appropriate tactics and equipment.

  • Assess the level of fortification and identify weaknesses.
  • Use specialized breaching techniques or tools to overcome the fortifications.
  • Consider alternative entry points if the staircase is heavily fortified.

  • Tip: Consider alternative entry points or specialized breaching techniques for heavily fortified areas.

  • Map out alternative routes and entry points.
  • Equip the team with heavy-duty breaching tools.
  • Coordinate the assault to ensure all entry points are covered.